We generate this exceptionally strong thrust through very high canopy tension in the front part of the wing, which guarantees a stable profile and an ideal airflow over the wing, even at very high angles of attack. Our Trailing Edge may seem loose at first glance but once powered up, it ensures the flattest possible profile at the rear to convert pressure into thrust and to control gusts.
Our composite battens enhance the effect of the flat trailing edge and control unnecessary flutter.
Staggered Material Weights in the Leading Edge and Strut reinforce the material where needed to support load and provide necessary stiffness.
The areas with less load around the tips remain lighter and more flexible, which not only gives a much lighter feel, but also reduces drag and increases maneuverability due to the thin, angled tips.
The shape of the center strut and our innovative Handle Shape ensure that the Wing is flown as far away from the body as possible. Not only to avoid strong turbulences around the body, but also to make handling and pumping more efficient.
In addition, many other details and improvements have been incorporated into our handles. The ergonomic shape of the handles ensures that the position of the wrists always provides the most comfortable and fatigue-free grip possible. The handles are perfectly balanced for each wing size and offer a longer gripping surface as the wing size increases.
We have also put our valves to the test and improved them. Our new Push Valves not only consistently display pressure while pumping, without annoying flickering of the needle, but also pass more air through in less time. The two separate bladders increase safety, while also preventing the strut bladder from serving as an expansion chamber for the front tube bladder and losing pressure and stiffness where needed most.
Rounded off with many other small and large details, such as the backpack style bag including helmet and pump holder, foil carry padding and the best available “made in Germany” bladders with Anti-Twist system.
We might not have outrun evolution, but we are convinced that we have made a big step into the future of wing design with the new NeilPryde Fly Wing. Just as the real fly often lives a slightly underestimated existence, on closer inspection it is an almost unrivaled masterpiece of natural engineering. We like to see our wings in the same way. Just looking way sexier than a real fly!